Category Archives: Thinking

My aim for the summer. Draw more, I miss it too much.

One picture a week should do it, well, except those weeks I have Beach Break and Turkey. Bring it on!


I really don’t get people that get offended by the smallest things.

People that can’t take a joke! Like, where is your sense of humour!?

I think it’s because I don’t get offended easily, that’s why my expectations of people are so high.. Ha! actually I don’t get offended at all now I think about it. Probably because the majority of the time, I really don’t give a f*ck.

Update on growing old.

So I’m still 20. Weird. Well, obviously falling back a year in age would be pretty creepy, even if this is the 21st century and we’re in 2011 where apparently ‘anythings possible’ I’m not Michael J fox.. Although a flux capacitor would be pretty awesome, but hey, I’m digressing..

Well, I actually have to say that ‘I’m in my 20s’ now It’s freakin’ me out.

I know for one that I probably, well hopefully, don’t act 20? I hope?

Like the saying goes. Growing old is inevitable,  Growing up is optional!

RIP Tech

Found out yesterday that some disrespectful person has thrown away Tech. (which you can read more of from my past entries) Absolutely gutted, My group and I were hoping to use him for other things. I wouldn’t have minded if we were given notice.
I leave you with some pictures of how we found him. So so so upset. Money and a LOT of time went into to it. I was so passionate about this brief. RIP Tech

“Explicit cartoons, films and books have been cleared for use to teach sex education to schoolchildren as young as five.
A disturbing dossier exposes a wide range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons.
The shocking material – promoted by local councils and even the BBC – teaches youngsters about adult language and sexual intercourse.”

I don’t know about you, but this actually made me laugh! The drawings are just awful and the way it’s written just makes me cringe! I can actually agree with any parents who think this is a bad idea I mean, if I had a 5 year son or daughter I would not be happy with them bringing this home from school, It’s just awful! Tell me what you think!

Read more:

Pre-chewed Pencils

I know I haven’t updated in ages.. But I’ve been well busy with work and stuff. But today in class, this weird thing was shown to us. So, now you can by chewed pencils! What is the world coming too!? Hilarious invention though..

‘We know it’s a bit daft but – Hey! No need to spend time chewing you pencil – just get down to some concentrated thinking and who knows what you might come up with.’

Common People – David Cameron

Album art

So yeah, theres just something about album art which I LOVE! well, in some cases yeah.. some of it’s just shit.

After looking through some of my albums, I came across a few which I really like, me being a loser n’all.

1. Yeah first up definitely has to be a Green Day number, Dookie. I LOVE Green Day and I love this album cover, in my own opinion it just screams out COMICS, and CHILD-LIKE! I love it, totally up my street. So much is going on which also means you have to spend time looking at it which is good, because that’s more time admirering its amazingness.. (fully deserving of the made up word)

2. No offence to The Used fans, but not my favourite band in the world.. I love the typography on this album cover. it’s strange, (like myself) and different, and yeah, different always a good thing! The type is simple yet bold enough to make a statement and to me it suggests rough and ready, while added mystery.. The wispy lines give it a enchanted feel I guess which is reinforced by the chair, kind of like Alice in Wonderland, but a bit freakier.  Maybe I’m analysing the type too much, but I don’t care, it’s my blog (smiley face)

3. Number three on my pointless yet fun countdown of great album covers is this beaut by Theory of a Deadman, an album I found stuffed under my bed and only God knows how long it’s been under there for! But after listening to it again, I’ve regained some love for it. So again with the type, it’s kinda western, backing up the colours the albums in, the musty yellows and browns, ya know the cliche of all westerns! The dude with the black wings signifies the album, he’s a deadman, so give the deadman some wings!  Nice rough look, which I strangely seem to like in album covers, probably gives the albums a nice sense of belonging and wear.

4. I’m all for the rough and ready and this Yellowcard album is right up my street, I know it probably isn’t for you, but I like this whole, photography ‘Hey lets fiz it up with some sellotape’ malarki..

That’s enough of the obvious background, bu I also think the yellow is a bold colour to use, and probably a good idea hence the YELLOWcard, but still I think it looks good against that rough background I like so much. The trees.. probably of some place that’s nice and significant to nothing, but still a good idea, and helps reinforce that look I keep mentioning.

So that concludes this thrill ride of album covers chosen by me.


I guess turning 20 wasn’t that bad.. Now on to drinking!

Does it rain when you’re sad,or does the rain make you sad?

There are all kinds of rain. It could be drizzling, raining and pouring,  Plus, the sun is sometimes out when it’s raining and then clouds or lack thereof can mix it up too. But today has just been constant grey, heavy rain.

Rain rain go away come again another day. Is exactly what’s on my mind right now. I tried working on a brief today, that didn’t work.. It’s something about the rain, it’s wetness, it’s greyness or any other ness’ you can think of.. whatever it is it has nothing on the sunshine, with it’s big bold yellow figure and the way it beams down on everyone smiling.. There’s so much more you can do in the sunshine. Roll on summer. Roll on sunshine.

Come up with some ideas for the Barry M brief. Just have to fix them up on Photoshop ready to be shown to everyone in Modays lecture.

The gym

These types of people will normally be found at your local gym.

1. The  mum’s that come with their friends who have gossip-fests while slowly walking on the treadmills.
2. Those silly girls that wear bows, earings and makeup who attempt to workout but end up “accidentally” walking past the mirrors.
3. Big, bulky guys who make loud noises when lifting weights.
4. People who sing out loud with their iPods while working out.
5. People who come to the gym, look around at the equipment, get a protein shake…and then call it a day.
6. People who save machines for their friends! Fucking don’t do that!
7. People who don’t clean up the machine when they are done. Sweat-fest, and it makes me gag a bit.
8. The ever-popular person who talks on the phone while attempting to work-out.
9. People who walk around naked in the locker-rooms. WHY?! i do not want to see your minge thanks.
10. People who bring books/magazines to read while they ride their bikes. (Sorry but I just don’t get it.)

After reviewing my list…I wonder why I go to the gym sometimes.


People seem to have this ongoing problem with Facebook. ”rubbish!’ ‘Facebook can suck my dick’ Well at the end of the day, you’re using Facebook to get your point across, so in a way that’s a good thing, right? Now I’m very much a supporter of Facebook for loads of different reasons;

  1. Good for work, especially group work , as Facebook can allow group sessions, where nobody else can see
  2. Free photo albums
  3. Connect with people from school/college that you haven’t talked to in ages
  4. Connect with family members who live too far away

Well I could go on.. I see no problem with it at. Even those randomly mundane status that you see, I love them too.. People feel the need to tell you , plus it’s their profile.. you don’t have to read it.

Read an article today..

“Teacher sacked for posting picture of herself holding glass of wine and mug of beer on Facebook”

How pathetic is this world becoming! It was her Facebook. She could do what she likes! My point is, Facebook is a social networking site, that has become so controversial in it’s own right, that the debate can be done using so many examples, it’s unreal!  I love Facebook.



v. in·spiredin·spir·ingin·
1. To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.
2. To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion: hymns that inspire the congregation; an artist who was inspired by Impressionism.

a. To stimulate to action; motivate: a sales force that was inspired by the prospect of a bonus.
b. To affect or touch:

What is it to inspire someone? An amazing piece of work, a great brief? Personality often inspires people to do something better with their lives. In anyway, being inspired is one of the best feeling ever. No homo.

Dating someone shorter/taller than yourself?

We weren’t being shallow, but it was just something we were discussing at work today.

  • Girls? Would you date a shorter man?
  • guys? Would you date a taller gal?

Right, I’m not the sort of person to babble on about my weight, or the type of person who craves to be skinny and thinks anything over a 10 is considered fat. But I saw this today.. now I don’t know about you but are magazines trying to redeem themselves, after so many years of exploiting the female figure? Don’t get me wrong, the article fills me with confidence, but why do people still want to look like a fucking bag of skin? I think people believe too much crap in these gossip magazines, not saying this is crap, I mean I’m totally with the curves but they just annoying me.

HEY IT’S OFFICIAL! SIZE 14 IS THE NEW(!!!) SEXY!‘  Erm hello, did they actually use the word ‘new’?, like skeletons were ever sexy anyway. Oh society what has happened to you.


Giving people a nickname, a good or bad thing?

In certain settings, earning a nickname, is earning acceptance into the circle that issued the nickname. For example a group of friends you’re fond of. Sometimes it’s hard to keep a nickname going, like a proper nickname, not like an abbreviation of your name, but something that signifies who you are, or a certain moment in your life, and one world just brings it all back, and that word is associated with that you. For example.. I was watching ‘Sun, Sex and scandals’ and a guy was called ‘Bitch’ . Now I don’t know about you, but this nickname I feel would degrade me in ways. Seeing as all the connotations with the word bitch are quite negative.

I say this, having a nickname myself, Jammerz, which I’ve been called only recently when me and my friend (Sammerz) were going through a ‘Bristol accent phase’ . I like it, and obviously other people like it as well.

So I guess it just depends on the name you’re given, whether it be relevant or not. All that matters is that you’re happy with it, right?

Self branding

I was going through a bad phase during the development of Self branding, hence the ‘not so good’ grade. If I had a chance I would definitely change everything, well everything that is except for this T-shirt I made, something which reflected what I wanted to be then, and what I hope I am now. My aim, if you like.

Last year wasn’t a good one for me, grade wise and confidence wise.. I feel however, the end of last year and the start of this have really been amazing, I’ve learnt a lot about myself and achieved things I never thought I could.

Here’s hoping the rest of the year will be just as good : )

Verbal abuse is still abuse. It’s abuse in the form of words. They still burn, sting, hurt and put us in danger. Don’t assume that a few hurtful words won’t cost them their life. Don’t assume that just because you haven’t put one finger on them, you’re not responsible for what happens after that. Mentally and emotionally, they are bruising, bleeding, suffocating. Your words have power, be careful. Speak life and love.

Turning 20, With Concerns Beyond Number

When I was a teenager, one of my biggest fears was never talked about by my parents or teachers or friends. It was the fear of writing the first five words of this paragraph — “when I was a teenager.”

No one warns you that you might develop a fear of turning 20.