Author Archives: Jammerz

My aim for the summer. Draw more, I miss it too much.

One picture a week should do it, well, except those weeks I have Beach Break and Turkey. Bring it on!

Smirn Off

Not sure how these taste, as pre-mixed alcoholic drinks tend to be fairly nasty. Nonetheless, the peelable bottles for Smirnoff Caipiroska (designed by JWT Brasil) sure are scene-stealers. I particularly like that they come packaged in a wooden crate like the lemons and limes they are imitating. Great idea!

Why no one uses Internet Explorer.


HEY! I made the box for Green and Blacks!

It took a lot of brain work, even for me, but I did it! I used a thin piece of card because it was easier to fold.
It even pulls out like I intended it too! Just need a bit for the chocolate and i need to print a voucher off for the back, but it’s all done : )
Shame I wont be presenting it, but me and my partner have better ones to show..


Green and Blacks – Box net

Cool, so I made this today for the brief from Green and Blacks, basically this is the net for the Direct mail box which will contain a free sample..

I’ve still gone along with the stamp idea, and have now included a bit about the brand, and the ingredients of the chocolate on the back of the box. I have also used jungle images from their website to help make the box stand out and look less boring.

The box on the right of the net is for the voucher.. which I will stick on when I’ve made the box up.

It would be nice to here some suggestions to make it better or some comments saying it’s good or not etc : )

Athlete – The getaway

I love this song

A photograph is not what it seems.


I really don’t get people that get offended by the smallest things.

People that can’t take a joke! Like, where is your sense of humour!?

I think it’s because I don’t get offended easily, that’s why my expectations of people are so high.. Ha! actually I don’t get offended at all now I think about it. Probably because the majority of the time, I really don’t give a f*ck.

YCN – Boost


Just some development work really..  App for iPhone and Android.

Type in a British artist or band, comes up with tour dates and information on that band..

Gives directions to the museum, and tells you new installments and how to get involved.

Update on growing old.

So I’m still 20. Weird. Well, obviously falling back a year in age would be pretty creepy, even if this is the 21st century and we’re in 2011 where apparently ‘anythings possible’ I’m not Michael J fox.. Although a flux capacitor would be pretty awesome, but hey, I’m digressing..

Well, I actually have to say that ‘I’m in my 20s’ now It’s freakin’ me out.

I know for one that I probably, well hopefully, don’t act 20? I hope?

Like the saying goes. Growing old is inevitable,  Growing up is optional!

RIP Tech

Found out yesterday that some disrespectful person has thrown away Tech. (which you can read more of from my past entries) Absolutely gutted, My group and I were hoping to use him for other things. I wouldn’t have minded if we were given notice.
I leave you with some pictures of how we found him. So so so upset. Money and a LOT of time went into to it. I was so passionate about this brief. RIP Tech

Rufus Leonard

Hey!, Haven’t posted in a while.. Been working more to get money for my holiday in July! (and obviously YCN stuff which you know! 🙂

So today, Rufus Leonard came in today to give a talk. There were two people who had previously attended Farnham UCA and it was really interesting to hear their stories on how they made it into working with such an interesting advertising agency.
They told us about how they’re working on brand developing brands such as Lloyds banking and The Bank of Scotland. ‘Less glamorous’ brands, as you can see, but the advice we were given is to look at brands like these, research into them and learn what they’re all about, because unlike uni, we wont always be working on briefs involving top brands such as Nike or Starbucks for example.

They gave us a brief we could work on to send them. This was to gain some work experience with the company in London, we have to basically brand ourselves, like we did in first year, but this time, Rufus is our customer and we are the client. Totally gonna give this a go, looks like an amazing opportunity from what I’ve heard from the speakers today 🙂

Also I grabbed some amazing freebies. Pens, badges and note paper. Hells yeah!

New Boost ideas

Boost – YCN

Above is my original boost idea!

It’s a Polaroid of a person upside down, pulling a confused/tired/strange face.. the tagline ‘What you need to turn yourself around’ says that if you drink Boost, you become more awake and able to ‘turn yourself around’ for the day ahead. The campaign is targeted at any target market, except the extreme young and extreme old, because of the people who are in the pictures. I tried to do some images on Photoshop and this is how they turned out..

Other ideas I have to improve these, is to take my own photos, with people I know, people faces, maybe having the hair look like it’s falling downwards. Remove the Boost can and just have the logo stamped on the ad, I’ll post the final results, but these are what I have so far.. just some development work. Need to do a whole lot more to them! BRING IT ON!



BME – Music board

Music board for BME. Decided to stick it on Bus stops near where the museum is based.
Still needs a lot of work, but this is it so far. I seem to be getting better at Photoshop, I’m just teaching myself as I go along so far, It’s pretty good.. Still loads more to learn though!

Green and Black – YCN

This is another brief I’ve done for YCN.
Green and blacks!

I found this brief alright, I enjoy coming up with ideas and brainstorming some ideas for adverts. After reading the brief I saw a part of the information was based around tasting, before you buy. Which led to me coming up with a ‘free sample’ campaign.

I drew a couple of ideas out but none seemed to be what I was looking for. After tons of research and stuff. I found relating the chocolate to 1st class stamps seemed acceptable. The relevance being..

1st class stamps cost more than 2nd or any others because of the quality of delivery. Green and Blacks chocolate costs more than any other chocolate because of the quality of how it’s been made and how it tastes. I wanted to relate the campaign to price because I feel it is the most controversial subject in the world right now.

Above is a poster idea I had and below is a free sample ‘direct mail’ post I came up with (again relating to post and price) The sample contains a free sample of the chocolate ..
“Historically we’ve found that getting people to taste  the chocolate is more likely to get them to buy the brand” – words from Green and Blacks.

The idea of the sample is that it’s something to be amazed at. You pull it open, it’s fun to have and it contains a treat. There will be a voucher on the back to tempt any future buyers.

This is the net for the free sample and which elements will be printed on it.

Hope you likey : )


Pork Chops

In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs.
Unfortunately,due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely
and due to their tiny size, they died shortly after birth
The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started to decline in health,
although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had
caused the tigress to fall into a depression.
The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother’s cubs, perhaps she would improve.
After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news
was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother.
The veterinarians decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment.
Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species.
The only ‘orphans’ that could be found quickly, were a litter of weanling pigs.
The zookeepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies
around the mother tiger.Would they become cubs or pork chops??

Take a look…


Now, please tell me one more time ..?

Why can’t the rest of the world get along??

YCN Briefs

This is an idea, developed from previous ideas I will post later on. This is from one of my YCN briefs which I chose to tackle.. So far it’s been really fun to do. Obviously this poster isn’t finished yet.. Still needs things doing to it before the deadline on Friday. (This isn’t all I’ve done for  YCN, I’ve done like 2 other briefs, and a whole load of other stuff for BME. I’ll post that stuff later when it’s completed.) 
Overall today has been a very successful day. Great feedback from my lecturers this afternoon which boosted my confidence just a little bit. Now I have to work extra hard this week, to make them look amazing! Till next time!


These are just some quick poster ideas for something we really hate and what really annoys us. We chose spitting because It’s just horrible. These are two out of 10 ideas we had.. Einstein spitting, seems pretty surreal aye? (Spitting makes a smart arse, look like a dumb arse)


Go donate, you know you want to! just watching it is great and inspiring! The Lenny Henry story being my favourite of course. Before watching this I was so blind to the fact it is helping out people who needed it the most, silly me. This is probably the best Comic Relief I have seen.

Portfolio – Start

Decided to start my portfolio. This is the title page for my photography section 🙂 It’s totally me, with its colours and stuff!

Justin Nozuka – Don’t listen to a word you’ve heard

Open your eyes
Close your ears
Close your ears
Open your eyes
Listen to the words you see
You are blind to what you hear
Listen to the words you see
Do not fear the truth beneath
Reach for roots beneath the trees
Listen to the words you seek
Don’t listen to a word they say
Do NOT listen to a word you’ve heard
Do not listen to a word you’ve heard
People are people we live for our own
Live how you think not by what you’ve been told

I’ve been a fool
I’ve been a fool
Walking the line with both of my eyes shut
And I’m begging you I’m begging you
Don’t listen to a word you’ve heard don’t listen to a word you’ve heard
This world is full of strangers this world is full of ‘hypocrites’
Scratching for their winnings at least I am one to admit
Born in a world relying on gold
I’ve yet to find someone under control
People are people and we live for our own
Live how you think not by what you’ve been told
Don’t listen to a word you’ve heard don’t listen to a word you’ve heard
Don’t listen to a word you’ve heard don’t listen to a word you’ve heard
The flag waves up above you for liberty and freedom
And fighting for your nation killing a wive’s daughter’s husband’s son and you’re told that
you’re being attacked by terrorist invasions but over and over again it is you who points the gun
Hey now don’t listen to a word you’ve heard don’t listen to a word you’ve heard don’t listen
to a word you’ve heard don’t listen to a word you’ve heard.

If you close your eyes right now
Try to seek a vision you can listen to
A vision of collisions of what you know is true
You can do what you pursue if you only try to
To open your eyes
And listen to the visions colliding with collisions
Collisions on a mission
Risen from what you’ve listened to
Listen to
Don’t listen to a word you’ve heard
Don’t listen to a word you’ve heard
Unless the word that you’ve heard is a word that you said
Close your ears to words from out
Unless the word came out your head
Or the word was built with your hands
Close your soul to a voice of a man from a non distant land
Cause that man has a plan to put bullets through your stand
Do you stand under this
Do you stand over this
Do you over stand me
You must not be listening
Its O.K. I understand
No he,
Told you
But Do
If you have the words inside your self
Listen to the words you hear
Listen to the words you say
Listen to the words you say
Listen to the words you say

Truly inspirational

Fairytale Vs real life.

Converse long copy advert


Thought I would focus on the rough style that Converse create, and that you are like what your shoe is like. They say a lot about your personality and what you like doing, your converse is a part of you.

“Explicit cartoons, films and books have been cleared for use to teach sex education to schoolchildren as young as five.
A disturbing dossier exposes a wide range of graphic resources recommended for primary school lessons.
The shocking material – promoted by local councils and even the BBC – teaches youngsters about adult language and sexual intercourse.”

I don’t know about you, but this actually made me laugh! The drawings are just awful and the way it’s written just makes me cringe! I can actually agree with any parents who think this is a bad idea I mean, if I had a 5 year son or daughter I would not be happy with them bringing this home from school, It’s just awful! Tell me what you think!

Read more: