This is me

I’m a bit of a arse and a bit of a nerd. I’m a rebel, a lover, a survivor. I believe in peace, creativity, the good in people, and myself. I want to have an incredible life – to travel, to help people, to see and do and feel amazing things. I have a taste for adventure, a good sense of humour, and an over-worked imagination. I’m always okay but I’m not always honest. I have secrets but I’ll tell you if you ask. I don’t smoke cigarettes and I drink water. I’m finding myself and losing my mind and I love it.

I’m a 20 year old student at University of Creative Arts studying Advertising and brand communications.

I dance and have been for 12 years and I find it amazing.

“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true”

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