Monthly Archives: April 2011

My aim for the summer. Draw more, I miss it too much.

One picture a week should do it, well, except those weeks I have Beach Break and Turkey. Bring it on!

Smirn Off

Not sure how these taste, as pre-mixed alcoholic drinks tend to be fairly nasty. Nonetheless, the peelable bottles for Smirnoff Caipiroska (designed by JWT Brasil) sure are scene-stealers. I particularly like that they come packaged in a wooden crate like the lemons and limes they are imitating. Great idea!

Why no one uses Internet Explorer.


HEY! I made the box for Green and Blacks!

It took a lot of brain work, even for me, but I did it! I used a thin piece of card because it was easier to fold.
It even pulls out like I intended it too! Just need a bit for the chocolate and i need to print a voucher off for the back, but it’s all done : )
Shame I wont be presenting it, but me and my partner have better ones to show..


Green and Blacks – Box net

Cool, so I made this today for the brief from Green and Blacks, basically this is the net for the Direct mail box which will contain a free sample..

I’ve still gone along with the stamp idea, and have now included a bit about the brand, and the ingredients of the chocolate on the back of the box. I have also used jungle images from their website to help make the box stand out and look less boring.

The box on the right of the net is for the voucher.. which I will stick on when I’ve made the box up.

It would be nice to here some suggestions to make it better or some comments saying it’s good or not etc : )

Athlete – The getaway

I love this song

A photograph is not what it seems.


I really don’t get people that get offended by the smallest things.

People that can’t take a joke! Like, where is your sense of humour!?

I think it’s because I don’t get offended easily, that’s why my expectations of people are so high.. Ha! actually I don’t get offended at all now I think about it. Probably because the majority of the time, I really don’t give a f*ck.

YCN – Boost