Rufus Leonard

Hey!, Haven’t posted in a while.. Been working more to get money for my holiday in July! (and obviously YCN stuff which you know! 🙂

So today, Rufus Leonard came in today to give a talk. There were two people who had previously attended Farnham UCA and it was really interesting to hear their stories on how they made it into working with such an interesting advertising agency.
They told us about how they’re working on brand developing brands such as Lloyds banking and The Bank of Scotland. ‘Less glamorous’ brands, as you can see, but the advice we were given is to look at brands like these, research into them and learn what they’re all about, because unlike uni, we wont always be working on briefs involving top brands such as Nike or Starbucks for example.

They gave us a brief we could work on to send them. This was to gain some work experience with the company in London, we have to basically brand ourselves, like we did in first year, but this time, Rufus is our customer and we are the client. Totally gonna give this a go, looks like an amazing opportunity from what I’ve heard from the speakers today 🙂

Also I grabbed some amazing freebies. Pens, badges and note paper. Hells yeah!

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