Green and Black – YCN

This is another brief I’ve done for YCN.
Green and blacks!

I found this brief alright, I enjoy coming up with ideas and brainstorming some ideas for adverts. After reading the brief I saw a part of the information was based around tasting, before you buy. Which led to me coming up with a ‘free sample’ campaign.

I drew a couple of ideas out but none seemed to be what I was looking for. After tons of research and stuff. I found relating the chocolate to 1st class stamps seemed acceptable. The relevance being..

1st class stamps cost more than 2nd or any others because of the quality of delivery. Green and Blacks chocolate costs more than any other chocolate because of the quality of how it’s been made and how it tastes. I wanted to relate the campaign to price because I feel it is the most controversial subject in the world right now.

Above is a poster idea I had and below is a free sample ‘direct mail’ post I came up with (again relating to post and price) The sample contains a free sample of the chocolate ..
“Historically we’ve found that getting people to taste  the chocolate is more likely to get them to buy the brand” – words from Green and Blacks.

The idea of the sample is that it’s something to be amazed at. You pull it open, it’s fun to have and it contains a treat. There will be a voucher on the back to tempt any future buyers.

This is the net for the free sample and which elements will be printed on it.

Hope you likey : )


One response to “Green and Black – YCN

  • High Ideas

    Hey jammerz, just a quick comment! I like this idea and think tis cool how you’ve related the two… you could improve it by using the fact that people lick stamps as part of the free sample campaign? just a thought! P.S. well done – you have loads of work compared to me! xx

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