The gym

These types of people will normally be found at your local gym.

1. The  mum’s that come with their friends who have gossip-fests while slowly walking on the treadmills.
2. Those silly girls that wear bows, earings and makeup who attempt to workout but end up “accidentally” walking past the mirrors.
3. Big, bulky guys who make loud noises when lifting weights.
4. People who sing out loud with their iPods while working out.
5. People who come to the gym, look around at the equipment, get a protein shake…and then call it a day.
6. People who save machines for their friends! Fucking don’t do that!
7. People who don’t clean up the machine when they are done. Sweat-fest, and it makes me gag a bit.
8. The ever-popular person who talks on the phone while attempting to work-out.
9. People who walk around naked in the locker-rooms. WHY?! i do not want to see your minge thanks.
10. People who bring books/magazines to read while they ride their bikes. (Sorry but I just don’t get it.)

After reviewing my list…I wonder why I go to the gym sometimes.

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