
People seem to have this ongoing problem with Facebook. ”rubbish!’ ‘Facebook can suck my dick’ Well at the end of the day, you’re using Facebook to get your point across, so in a way that’s a good thing, right? Now I’m very much a supporter of Facebook for loads of different reasons;

  1. Good for work, especially group work , as Facebook can allow group sessions, where nobody else can see
  2. Free photo albums
  3. Connect with people from school/college that you haven’t talked to in ages
  4. Connect with family members who live too far away

Well I could go on.. I see no problem with it at. Even those randomly mundane status that you see, I love them too.. People feel the need to tell you , plus it’s their profile.. you don’t have to read it.

Read an article today..

“Teacher sacked for posting picture of herself holding glass of wine and mug of beer on Facebook”

How pathetic is this world becoming! It was her Facebook. She could do what she likes! My point is, Facebook is a social networking site, that has become so controversial in it’s own right, that the debate can be done using so many examples, it’s unreal!  I love Facebook.

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